Generations united combatting fake news
our aim
Digital Inclusion for Older People
Intergenerational synergies for active participation in society.
The purpose of DIGITOL is to promote EU common values, such as solidarity and diversity, by developing and delivering innovative digital literacy training with younger trainers and older learners. Ultimately, the project aims to make the Internet accessible and more respectful for all.
The project will contribute to combating forms of discrimination within the EU that are driven by xenophobia, populism, and homophobia, by increasing awareness among older adults and training them for the identification and evaluation of fake news, with the goal to filter them out and not spread them further.
Keep updated!
We have made videos to better explain the project and its progress. The one next to it is the latest one out!
Here you can find the other videos.
Our Process
Our Team

Consorzio Comunità Brianza - Project Coordinator
Antonio Dell'Atti

Consorzio Comunità Brianza - Project Officer
Rachele Meda

Consorzio Comunità Brianza - Capacity Building Manager
Lucia Merlino

Hellas 50+
Chelsea Lazaridou

Hellas 50+
Myrto-Maria Ranga

Pro Arbeit
Benedikt Poetz

Pro Arbeit
Amira Bieber

Pro Arbeit
Iris Appeldorn

Valentina Georgeva

Vasilena Varbanova

Age Platform Europe
Estelle Huchet