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Newsletter Nr.2 – February 2021

DIGITOL Academy is now open and functional!

The previous months have been dedicated to design the project’s Digital Academy, the main tool for spreading DIGITOL’s activities, including the Training of Trainers and the capacity-building programme.

The Academy is a content-aware & multifunctional learning and knowledge space and tool, allowing users to access data, training materials and other interactive educational tools. The Academy is the result of a collaborative process involving all project partners and DIGITOL trainers in order to find a common definition of the platform’s functions and content.

The Academy is a complementary tool to the training programme: it stores practical exercises, insights, further readings that are useful to prepare live meetings and at any other time for in-depth studies.

Currently, the main users of the platform are:

  • Local Young Ambassadors, using the platform to access the ToT programme tools and instruments;
  • Trainers, engaged both within and beyond the project partners (internal and external experts), who use the platform to check updates regarding the ToT programme and to manage the coaching services addressing users.

Older people will later access the platform as participants of the capacity-building programme that they will follow in the next months of the project.

Training of Trainers (TOT) Programme

DIGITOL‘s ToT Programme has started! Let’s find out how the kick-off sessions went in each country. Read more on the full document →

In spring 2021, DIGITOL partners hope to reschedule the Face-to-face ToT programme, if the COVID-19 situation will allow it. Stay tuned!

The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens By Sandra Troia (DIGITOL Italian Trainer)

The European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, also known as ‘DigComp’, describes in detail the digital competence of citizens. Published in 2013, it was developed by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) as a scientific project based on a consultation process involving a wide range of stakeholders and policy-makers from industry, education and training, the labour market and civil society.

The framework was updated in two stages, in 2016 ‘DigComp 2.0’ and in 2017 ‘DigComp 2.1’. Essentially, the framework identifies 21 competences in five key areas

1. Information and data literacy

2. Communication and collaboration

3. Digital content creation

4. Safety

5. Problem solving

DIGITOL project refers to the DigComp as valuable resource for the training programme, as trainers use it to develop courses and to assess the progress of the Young Ambassadors as they work to improve their digital competences.


Read more on the full document →

Let’s meet the DIGITOL Team

We had the pleasure to interview Ron Salaj, who is the Coordinator of the DIGITOL project pool of European trainers as well as the coordinator of the Italian trainers’ team. We asked him a few questions about himself and the DIGITOL project


Read more on the full document →