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DIGITOL Replication Workshops !

The purpose of DIGITOL is to develop and deliver an innovative digital literacy training with younger trainers and older learners to increasing awareness among older adults and training them for the identification and evaluation of fake news.
Each workshop will be of 2 hour and replicated with the same following content:
  • ROUND TABLE AND INTRODUCTION by Age Platform Europe;
  • DIGITOL AND ITS METHODOLOGY: project presentation and results;
  • WARM UP QUIZ, an interactive session to learn how to face some common risk of the web: recognize fake news, avoid pishing, how to protect your privacy online and protect your data;
  • INTERGENERATIONAL LEARNING, the definition of intergenerational learning as an innovative methodology and how the project and policy are moving to spread this methodology at EU level;
  • DIGITOL AND ITS LEARNING PLATFORM, a dive into Digitol digital-academy available to everyone to learn tools and knowledge to face disinformation.
Dates of the workshop :
29th September 2021 (10:00-12:00) in English;
11th October 2021  (10:00-12:00) in Spanish, with simultaneous translation;
8th November 2021 (10:00-12:00) in French, with simultaneous translation;
29th November 2021 (10:00-12:00) in English;
If interested to participate in one of the workshops please fill in the following form:  https://forms.gle/wPiHvQPKJXpMi3or6
For more information:

#digitol looking forward to see you soon”